AACPS students deserve bold, progressive ideas with the backing of a robust plan, that is why I am creating one of the most bold and detailed platforms of a candidate in SMOB history. The Equitable New Deal will reimagine AACPS from the bottom up, while focusing on the ideas that matter to you, like environmental justice, student engagement, equity, and student quality of life. 

Environmental Justice

The climate crisis is one of the defining issues of our generation. We don't have to wait for adults to take action, when we can. Click below for how I'll create policies through the lens of environmental justice.

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Student Engagement

The Student Member of the Board of Education is a position made by, and for, students. As your next SMOB I'll increase engagement between the office of the SMOB and students, so your voice is heard.

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Every student deserves the opportunity to excel in school, no matter their race, gender, socioeconomic status, or ethnicity. Click below to find out how I'll make equity a center-focus part of my agenda as your SMOB.

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Student Quality of Life

As SMOB, my first priority will be serving you. That means improving our current system so it enriches your life, not make it difficult. Click below to see how I'll improve your quality of life through my platform.

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