I believe in working for a better school system. Since freshman year, I have worked in student, local, and state government for you. Here is a snippet of my experience and history of real, tangible action.

  • Member of the Maryland student council (MASC) executive board
  • Previous member of the Anne Arundel county student council (CRASC) executive board
  • Intern in Delegate Henson's office
  • Intern in Delegate Bartlett's office
  • Youth Representative in the AACPS Office of Health Equity
  • Member of the Maryland Civic Education Coalition Youth Advisory Council

History of Action:
  • Provided testimony for bills in the state house that advanced student rights, equity, and student quality of life
  • Aided in Delegate Henson's response to the Tornados that hit Annapolis and Parole in 2021
  • Fought for the right of every AACPS student to vote in SMOB elections as the CRASC Legislative Liaison
  • Aided with the Department of Health Equity's events for youth outreach and encouraging voter turnout
  • Aided in the legislative process for bills that encouraged equity in Anne Arundel County in the State House
  • Worked in constituent affairs for Delegates Bartlett and Henson, to provide Marylanders aid in receiving state benefits